
30 June: recently cut back because leggy, no blooms, doesn't live up to name, weedy.

15 July: improved with pruning but still not impressive, looks weedy, flowers are unimpressive, still lacking flowers, good for coverage, dull color, just started to bloom, needs more flowers.

30 July: airy, finally looks full, very unique, looks weedy, starting to live up to name, interesting fireworks shaped flower, finally flowers, lots of flowers, great for mixed border, makes me think of a weed, nice for taller landscape plant, lots of branching and good cutting stems, good in right spot, airy.

15 Aug: finally looks amazing, great height, unimpressive, great see-through plant, great display, nice in landscape, tall.

30 Aug: great late season performance, novel, great height, tons of flowers, very cool, finally looks name worthy, nice, tall, nice flowers, great name, movement in stems is added attraction, wild flower look, very natural looking.

15 Sept: good late season performance, probably nice as dried flowers, dominating bed now, leggy, very uniform, nice flowers, very nice, gomphrena rules, getting fused flower heads now.